


    中文詞彙         英文詞彙

    檢驗室          Laboratory
    食品添加物      Food additives
    防腐劑          Preservatives
    人工甘味劑      Artificial flavor
    漂白劑          Bleaching Agents
    抗氧化劑        Antioxidants
    著色劑          Coloring Agents
    氣相層析儀      Gas Chromatography
    原子吸收光譜儀  Atom Absorption Spectrum Analyzer
    高效液相層析儀  High Performance Liquid Chromatography
    糖精            Saccharin
    二氧化硫        Sulfur Dioxide
    微生物          Microbiology
    農藥殘留        Agricultural residue
    重金屬          Heavy metals


    中文詞彙                英文詞彙

    長期照護              Long-term Care
    外籍看護工申審        Application and Verification of Foreign Care Taker
    護理人員開執業管理    Management of Licensed Nursing Personnel
    子宮頸癌防治          Prevention and Cure of Cervical Cancer
    子宮頸抹片檢查        Cervical Smear Test
    乳癌防治              Prevention and Cure of Breast Cancer
    結直腸癌防治          Prevention and Cure of Colon & Rectal Cancer
    老人健康檢查          The Aged Physical Checkup
    中老年病防治          Prevention and Cure of the Elderly Disease 
    代謝症候群            Insulin Resistance Syndrome
    優生保健              Perinatal Genetics
    婚前健康檢查          Ante-nuptial Physical Checkup
    早產                  Premature Baby
    母乳哺育              Breast Feeding
    外籍配偶              Foreign Spouse
    口腔檢查              Oral checkup
    兒童視力保健          Pediatric Optometry
    行政相驗              Administrative Postmortem

    中文詞彙                 英文詞彙

    食品                  Food
    食品衛生安全          Food Sanitation and Safety
    食品器具              Food utensils
    食品容器              Food Containers
    食品包裝              Food Packaging
    食品清潔劑            Food Cleaners
    食品業者              Food Businesses
    食品業衛生管理        Sanitary Control in the Food Industry
    食品良好衛生規範      The Food Good Hygienic Practices Regulations
    食品標示              Food Labeling
    營養宣稱              Nutrition Claims
    營養標示              Nutrition Labeling
    膳食纖維              Dietary Fiber
    食品衛生檢驗          Food Sanitation Examination
    食品廣告              Food Advertisement
    餐飲衛生              Food and Beverage Sanitation

    中文詞彙             英文詞彙
    健康體適能           Physical Adaptability Activity
    菸害防治法           Tobacco Hazards Control Act
    衛生行銷             Health Marketing
    健康操               Physical Fitness
    衛生保健志工         The Hygienic Health Care Volunteer
    戒菸服務專線         Smoking Cessation Hotline
    社區健康營造         Community Health Establishment
    安全社區             Safety Community
    衛生教育網站         Health Education Website

    中文詞彙              英文詞彙
    外勞健康檢查核備    Verification and Backup of Foreign Labors’ Physical Checkup
    職業衛生保健        Occupational Healthcare
    勞工健康檢查        Labor Physical Checkup
    職場健康促進        Occupational Health Promotion
    職業病防治          Prevention and Cure of Occupational Diseases
    無菸職場            Non-smoking workplace
    寄生蟲防治          Prevention and Cure of Animal Parasite
    特殊健康檢查        Particular Physical Checkup
    一般健康檢查        Regular Physical Checkup
    巡迴健康檢查        Tour Physical Checkup
    勞工健康檢查指定醫院 Assigned Hospital for Labors’ Physical Checkup


    中文詞彙                英文詞彙

    自殺通報           Reported Suicidal Client
    職能治療師         Occupational Therapist
    救護站             A First-aid Station
    救護車             Ambulance
    憂鬱症             Melancholia
    物理治療           Physical Therapy
    災難應變指揮中心 (E.O.C) Emergency Operation Center
    災難應變指揮系統 (I.C.S) Incident Command System


    中文詞彙                英文詞彙
    藥政管理          Pharmaceutical Management
    偽藥              Counterfeit
    禁藥              Prohibition
    不法藥物          Illegal Drug
    醫療廣告          Medical Advertisement
    化妝品            Cosmetics
    醫療器材          Medical Devices
    處方藥            Prescription Drugs
    成藥              Patent Medicine
    標示              Labeling
    藥師              Pharmacist
    無照藥商          Unlicensed Dealers
    管制藥品          Controlled Substance
    許可證            Permit
    展延              Extension
    藥品              Medicine
    調劑              Dispensing
    慢性病連續處方籤  Prescription for Chronic Disease
    處方籤            Prescription                 

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