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Dengue Prevention

    Dengue Prevention

    Dengue is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted to people through the bite of female Aedes mosquitoes. This 3 minutes and 24 second animation describes Dengue transmission, infection and the different symptoms associated with this disease. Also, the animation gives additional information about the habits of this mosquito. This video illustrates several important preventative measures, both inside the house and the environmental sanitation around the house, to avoid being bitten by the mosquitoes.Let's all work together to stop the spread of dengue!

    Dengue is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted to people through the bite of female Aedes mosquitoes. The important species are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.

    The symptoms of this disease may be similar to those of flu and include high fever, headache, red spots on the skin and extreme tiredness. Bleeding from the nose and gums may also occur. In the presence of these symptoms, you should not take any medication containing ibuprofen or acetyl salicylic acid, that is aspirin, since these medications can increase the chance of hemorrhage.You need to go immediately to the nearest medical center.

    To prevent the infection, you should avoid being bitten by the "Dengue mosquito".

    The mosquito bites mainly in the morning and shortly before dark. It lives no more than a hundred yards away from where it was hatched. They usually hide in dark areas behind plants and shrubs. Indoors they can hide under beds, behind curtains or in the bathrooms.

    At home you can be protected by placing metal or plastic screens in doors and windows. Keep doors and windows closed. Install bed nets around the beds and sleeping areas following correct instructions. You can also use battery or electric diffusers with pads impregnated with insecticides and insecticide sprays.

    When performing tasks outside your house, you can protect yourself by wearing socks, long pants and long sleeve shirts, preferably light colored.

    You can also apply repellents on exposed areas on your skin.

    Environmental sanitation around the home is more effective when performed together with our neighbors and the community.

    Environmental sanitation may consist of:

    Avoiding the accumulation of stagnant water around homes where mosquitoes can breed.

    Removing car tires that are not in use.

    Picking up trash and placing it in bags or in tightly closed containers, until a collection service can take it away. If this service is not available, you can also burn or bury the trash.

    Removing empty bottles and other containers that can hold water or placing them face down so they do not hold water.

    Changing the water of birdbaths and flowerpots on a regular basis.

    Cleaning roof gutters that may serve as water reservoirs.

    Placing sand under potted plants.

    Applying chlorine in swimming pools to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.

    Ensuring that clean water tanks for human consumption are tightly closed.

    Mowing lawns regularly.

    Let's all work together to stop the spread of dengue.


    Information form:YouTube
